The day I tried heroin

I’ll never forget the first time I tried heroin. I was 17 years old, I was with my best friend (who I’d been bestfriends w since 12 y/o) driving around like teenagers do. We were driving down the street, I can remember the name and everything! Then she asked me if I wanted to try something, I thought no big deal. I had experimented with other drugs but nothing ever stuck - I wasn’t concerned. I never thought a drug could or would control me. So, I snorted a line and I immediately felt the best feeling I’ve ever felt. It was so euphoric! Just unbelievable! It is what we all chase but never get again! Shortly after we met up with some of our friends at a Burger King, I was feeling great then all of a sudden I leaned over and started puking. Didn’t feel sick or anything. Just had to puke. Now, for some this is a deterant - almost everybody pukes the first time they try heroin. For me though, I was good, I wanted another line.

At that moment, everyone around me was already addicted to heroin but I didn’t know until a few weeks later. Doing heroin was what our social gatherings consisted of. Hanging out w people that I’ve been friends with for years but now we just also do heroin. At first it seemed harmless but that’s because we were all so niave. We were all in high school, white suburban kids, some of our parents gave us money, some of us had part time jobs, we all had cars so it was super easy to get and do heroin at first. We had no idea what our lives would become.


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